[Android/Apple] – Castlemaine Gold Maps [Maldon,Newstead,Yandoit,Glenlyon]
Designed to run on Trilobite [Australian Geology Travel Maps]Â App.
- Works on Android/Apple* Phones and Tablets
- Map packs designed to run offline, no network required.
- All maps georeferenced
- Realtime moving map navigation
- Record your trail, so you can retrace your steps
- Record georeferenced finds in the field
- Maps are downloaded to your phone so there is no dependency on mobile reception in the field.
- Export finds to Google Earth
Maps in the Pack:
- Seamless Georeferenced Map designed for Gold Nugget prospecting [Map 40x42km]
- Geological Map
- Mine Sites [Alluvial for Map Set] if available for area
- Topographic Map 1:250K **
- NEW Geochem Map [Soil Sample Assay values PPB] now Available
Requirement – Australian Geology Travel Maps required to support these maps, see the included README for instructions.
* Apple iPad must be the Cellular version to support GPS location tracking, all iPhones work fine.
** If you have previously purchased a map pack then this map is not required as it is included in all map packs.
I’m not very computer literate and am having problems making the downloaded inf integrate with the trilobite map. I have bought other maps that run through Google maps and don’t need fiddling with down loads, but require an annual subscription. Ill persevere with the tec , we will see.