Tag Archives: multi-iq

Algoforce E1500 Screen Protector with Integrated Speaker Horn

THP Tryhard Prospecting Algoforce E1500 Screen Protection with Integrated Speaker Horn

We have updated our popular selling Minelab GPX 6000 stand with tough Rubberised Legs. The rubberised legs help absorb impact protecting your investment from harsh knock and bumps. The Protective stand designed to get your detector up and out of the dirt.

Universal Pinpointer Holder

Universal Pinpointer Holder 22mm Minelab THP

We have updated our popular selling Minelab GPX 6000 stand with tough Rubberised Legs. The rubberised legs help absorb impact protecting your investment from harsh knock and bumps. The Protective stand designed to get your detector up and out of the dirt.

GPX 6000 Stand New Version

Minelab GPX 6000 Stand THP

We have updated our popular selling Minelab GPX 6000 stand with tough Rubberised Legs. The rubberised legs help absorb impact protecting your investment from harsh knock and bumps. The Protective stand designed to get your detector up and out of the dirt.

GPX 6000 Speaker Issue

Minelab GPX6000

Minelab has identified infrequent cases where users hear audio feedback when using the internal speaker. Please refer to the product notice on our website by clicking on the link below. This has the effect to make the user think that the issue is EMI interference. If you use Headphones or Low Latency Bluetooth, then you are not affected.

Meet the Beast

Minelab Manticore Meet the Beastjpeg

Minelab are set to announce the release of a new detector and based on the images it looks like a new model in the Equinox range of Coin/Relic detectors. Maybe a Equinox 1000 [or similar]. Set to be announced on Sunday August 28th at 4:00PM. Below are a number of images and 2 videos of […]