Tag Archives: gpz7000

Is this the Ultimate SDC aka MF5


Overview Well Minelab have actually done it once again and snuck this one in under the radar. A new detector launched, called the MF5 which uses Minelabs special Multi-Frequency Digital technology. This brand-new innovation leads to remarkable detection abilities by integrating the benefits or Pulse Induction and Continuous Wave technologies. Think SDC2300 + GPZ7000 Combined […]

GPZ7000 14″ Touch Sensitive Coil

GPZ7000 Complete

The detector is being used in a Hot environment like WA.The detector is utilized for extended periods of time exposing the coil to extended heat exposure.The coil then appears to be over touch sensitive to other challenges and small bushes. Please beware that not all touch delicate concerns will be brought on by the pressure […]